• 3 cups whole wheat flour
• 3/4 to 1 cup water or more if needed
• Salt (optional)
• 1 to 2 tsp oil or ghee
• Take whole wheat flour
• Seive the whole wheat flour with salt.
• Add water to the dough
• Now start kneading the dough
• Keep on kneading till the dough becomes pliable and soft
• Now make balls of the dough with diameter around 3 to 4 centimeters
• Apply whole wheat flour to the ball. Alternatively, you can also dust the rolling board with flour.
• Now start rolling the ball into flat rounded circle.
• Keep on rolling till you get a circle
• Now put the roti on a hot griddle. First cook one side. It should be less than half cooked as shown in the pic above. Turn and cook the other side. This should be a little bit more cooked than the first side.
• Now hold the chapati with a tong and keep the first side directly on fire. The chapati will start to puff. Turn and keep the other side on fire. The roti will puff more. Avoid burning the rotis.
• Remove and apply ghee on the rotis. Rotis have to be served hot with any vegetable or curry. If you cannot serve them hot, then you can keep them in a container that keeps food warm.
Few Tips for making Soft Rotis or Chappatis:
• It is not necessary to roast the roti directly on fire. You can also cook it on tha tava or griddle. Use a heavy spoon or spatula to apply pressure on the roti while cooking on a griddle, so that the roti puffs up. Do the same on the other side.
• The Dough should be kneaded very well so that the gluten is formed. The dough should be smooth and well kneaded. If the dough is hard then rotis will not puff up. On the other hand, if the dough is very soft and sticky then you won’t be able to roll it and it will not puff up at all.
• You have to roll the dough very well so that it is even, otherwise the roti will not puff up.
• After kneading the dough, you can keep it aside for an hour or so and that will also help the roti to become soft.
• After making roti, if you apply some ghee or oil then that also keeps the rotis soft.
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